
Senior Class Notices

Senior Class Lives Again.

The contract for printing and engraving has now been awarded by the Photograph Committee.

There will be a great deal of material which cannot be obtained until the last moment, so that in order not to stall the Class Album and prevent an early publication, it behooves every Senior to aid the committee as much as possible. This means that class lives which have not as yet been given to the Committee should be handed in at once and that appointments should not be put off any longer. These appointments can be made for any future time and will at least show the Committee which men have attended to the matter. The selection from the proofs should also be made at once upon receipt, as failure to do this also delays the Committee. 1912 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.

Price of Caps and Gowns Raised Monday.

Seniors are reminded that today and tomorrow caps and gowns may be ordered at $4.75. Beginning on Monday, the price will be raised to $5.25. To make the custom of wearing caps and gowns a success it is essential that measurements be made at the Co-operative before Monday, March 10, in order that all caps and gowns may be delivered by May 1.

As yet only about one-third of the members of the class have been measured. Will the Seniors who have not yet been measured please go to the Co-operative either today or tomorrow without fail? No deposit is necessary; payment may be made at the time of delivery.   1912 CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
