The first performance of the Delta Upsilon play "Ralph Roister Doister," open only to graduates, will be given in Brattle Hall, tonight, at 8 o'clock. "Ralph Roister Doister," a comedy written by Nicholas Udall about the year 1551, is the fourteenth Elizabethan Revival produced by the Harvard Chaper of the Delta Upsilon. Five public performances will be given as follows: two in Brattle Hall on March 11 and 12, the former date especially for undergraduates; one in Jordan Hall, Boston, on March 14; one in the Opera House. Exeter, on March 15; and one in "The Barn," Wellesley, on March 16. Tickets may be obtained at Herrick's, Harvard Co-operative Branch, Batchelder's Book Store, Exeter, or from C. R. Randall '12, 11 Sacramento street.
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