

In New Lecture Hall Tomorrow.--Pres. Lowell Will Preside at Dinner.

The Harvard Teachers' Association will hold its twenty-first annual meeting in New Lecture Hall tomorrow. The morning session will begin at 9.45 o'clock with a short business meeting, and following this, there will be a thorough discussion of "Tests of School Efficiency." Edward L. Thorndike '96, professor of educational psychology of the Teachers' College, Columbia University, will speak on "The Measurement of Educational Products." Leonard P. Ayres of the department of child hyginene, Russell Sage Foundation, will take for his topic. "Measuring Educational Processes through Educational Results." A general discussion will then follow, led by Frank V. Thompson '07, assistant superintendent of schools, Boston; Howell Cheney of the state board of education, Connecticut; F. E. Spaulding, superintendent of schools, Newton; and E. M. Hartwell of the statistics department, Boston. The morning meeting of the Association will be open to the public. Teachers and school officers are especially invited.

The annual dinner of the Association for members and their guests will take place immediately after the meeting, at 1 o'clock, in the Union. President Lowell will preside. The afternoon topic will be "Tests of College Efficiency," and the speakers will be Clyde Furst, secretary of the Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching, and Dean Gay of the Graduate School of Business Administration. The meeting will close with an informal discussion of the subject by members and guests.

The Harvard Teachers' Association was founded in 1891 and is composed of officers of the University, and of Radcliffe, and persons who have been officers or students of the University. It has as its object the promotion of technical training in education and the advancement of members in its profession.
