
New Plays in Boston

"The Breaking Point."

"The Breaking Point" by James Savery '11, deals with an American criminologist, his Russion wife, his brother-in-law, his secretary, also from St. Petersburg, and a detective. Had the physician known of his brother-in-law's existence, he would not have suspected his wife's fidelity: but he could not have known it without discovering that the man was a murderer,--and this, it is carefully explained, would have destroyed his home. The detective may strike some of us as naive; but he simplifies the task of exposition, and the audience is left in no doubt as to the state of affairs when he walks out of the play promising his assistance to the distressed wife. The lesson of the play is that there can be no perfect love without trust; the love of wife for husband broke when his pistol put an end to her brother's life. She is alternately torn between her love for her husband and her love for her brother; and the struggle is not without its tragic interest. Melodramatic touches serve to hold the attention of the audience, even during the expository scenes; but the applause that the play calls forth must be gratifying alike to the author and to the actors. It is easy enough to find fault,--perhaps that is why so many of us are ready to: no dramatist can ask for greater appreciation than the close attention of his audience; and this Mr. Savery has.
