
"Life and Letters at Athens"

Through the generosity of Gardiner M. Lane '81, it has been made possible for the Department of Classics of the University to offer a course of six public lectures on "Life and Letters at Athens, from Pericles to Alexander," by Paul Shorey '78, Ph.D., LL.D., professor of Greek at the University of Chicago.

These lectures will be delivered in Room D, Emerson Hall, at eight o'clock in the evening, and the dates and the subjects of the lectures will be as follows:

March 18.--The Age of Pericles.

March 20.--Aristophanes.

March 22.--The Case of Euripides.


March 25.--The School of Athens Plato and Socrates.

March 25.--Demosthenes and the Lost Cause.

March 29.--From Aristophanes to Menander--Life and Letters in the Little Athens of the Fourth Century.
