


The Harvard Taft Club was organized; adopted a constitution, and elected officers, at a meeting in the Union yesterday evening. After the routine of business had been completed, Hon. Grafton D. Cushing '85, Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, addressed the meeting, discussing reasons for the re-election of President Taft.

The purpose of the club as announced in its constitution is to "disseminate knowledge of President Taft's administration, entertain speakers who shall address the club and its guest, and co-operate with the Taft League of Massachusetts in advocating President Taft's renomination."

The following officers were elected: president, C. E. Hughes, Jr., 3L., of Washington, D.C.; vice-president, H. J. Smith '13, of Denver, Col.; secretary, S. M. Rinaker 2L.; members of the executive committee, S. M. Seymour '13, of Chatham, N. Y., and M. C. Lightner 3L., St. Paul, Minn.

Reasons for Favoring President Taft.

After the elections Mr. Cushing addressed the meeting, answering the question why one should be in favor of Taft. The issue is not whether one is for or against the people, for it is safe to or assume that everyone wants the common welfare, but, by what means can the people best be served? The real question at issue is: "Do we want to go about important changes slowly and carefully, looking toward the consequences; or do we want to rush hastily into any new legislation, in the hope that it may prove a panacea?"


The conservatives believe that our present machinery of government has worked well, and that its faults are incidental and not inherent; the progressives are in such a hurry to mend matters that they are willing to case aside all proven forms of government in favor of a system scarcely tried as yet. If the people are really anxious for good government they can have it now, by devoting the proper care to the selection of their representatives.

President Taft stands for our present forms of government; Theodore Roosevelt '80 advocates direct legislation. Many of the men who have been closest to the ex-president and who greatly admire him personally have found it impossible to subscribe to the doctrines of his Columbus speech. We owe Mr. Roosevelt a great debt for awakening the public conscience in this regard to the illegitimacy of many large fortunes. But the reforms which are necessary can be accomplished best if they are enacted by a conservative representatives body, rather than in the heat of popular passion. The conservatives of the country believe that President Taft has shown himself eminently fit to be intrusted with the leadership in this great task.

Membership in the Taft Club may be had by application to the vice-president or secretary.

N. L. Tibbetts of Lowell, has been appointed temporary leader of the Freshman Glee Club.
