
Senior Class Notices

Competition for Baccalaureate Hymn.

Seniors are requested to submit words for a hymn to be sung to some familiar tune at the baccalaureate services on June 16. The Senior whose hymn is accepted will be given free Class Day tickets. Such hymns should be sent to F. C. Gray '12, Thayer 6, on or before March 29. F. C. GRAY '12.

Photograph Committee Announcements

Although competition for the book plate for the class album closed yesterday, any Senior who was unable to complete his drawing may hand it in between 11 and 12 o'clock this morning at Holworthy 7 where a member of the committee will be ready to receive it.

Seniors are also urged to return the proofs of their pictures to Tupper immediately after they have made their choice, as the engravings must now be made.   1912 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.
