

More Freshmen Needed.--Thirty-Seven Candidates for University Team Reported Yesterday.

The first practice of the season was held yesterday by the University and Freshman soccer teams. The number of candidates for the University team was satisfactory, thirty-seven reporting, but only sixteen Freshmen came out. This number must be increased today, as there will be a game on Saturday, and little can be accomplished with as few men as at present.

After short preliminary practice, during which Captain Byng coached the forwards while E. L. Barron '13, taught the candidates for positions on the defence the rudiments of the game, the University squad was divided into three teams, two of which played a short game under the supervision of Coach Burgess, while the third played against the Freshmen. Although the University team has lost several men of last year's team through graduation, the material seems good from which to pick men to fill the places left vacant.
