

When a busy professor, interested in undergraduate life, takes the trouble to give us a little advice out of his greater experience, we feel grateful to him for his helpful interest. When he goes still further and gives another opportunity to those men who did not hear his original talk, be is doing us a real service. Many men do not take the time to go to an optional lecture, although it is distinctly for their benefit, yet when it is brought to them, they are willing to listen to it, and they afterwards realize that it is well worth hearing and thinking about.

Professor Copeland did just this service by repeating in several of his classes his discussion about studies versus interests and activities. However much each individual may disagree as to the relative importance of outside activities, we must all agree that Professor Copeland emphasized two or three most important points. The necessity of choosing among the many interests that claim the energetic undergraduate's attention and the advisability of dividing the sixteen working hours of each day into some definite schedule, we all recognize as invaluable rules for the leading of a sane undergraduate life.

But another point which Professor Copeland mentioned is not so evident. Having chosen his few interests, and having divided his sixteen hours of the day, how often will the sometimes brilliant scholar and prominent man overstrain and find too late that he is doing too much! Professor Copeland hit the nail on the head when he uttered a warning to this small class of men. The pride of the college in that they are the "all-around" men, well balanced, often brilliant both in studies and "outside interests", they bear the burdens which the less energetic do not care to assume. The result is that the breakdowns are all too frequent among this small group. And, after all, we wonder if those who succeed in the struggle are any better equipped for their life work after they have thus tested their capacities to the utmost. Granting that they occasionally are brilliant men in after life, we believe that the percentage is so small as to render a strain on one's vitality while in College, a risk hardly worth the prize.
