

Rehearsals Are Now Being Held in Preparation for Spring Production of Four Plays.

The casts for the four spring plays to be given by the Dramatic Club have been selected, and rehearsals are being held daily under the direction of Mr. Francis Powell. Three performances will be given this year as usual, the first two in Brattle Hall, Cambridge, on April 8 and 11, the third in Jordan Hall, Boston, on April 13.

Tickets at $1.50 and $1 are on sale at Herrick's, Copley square, Jordan Hall, Harvard Co-operative Stores, and Fairfax 45.

"The Head of the Family."

"The Head of the Family" is a tragedy in one act, by G. F. Abbott 1G. The cast is as follows: John Farley,  O. Lyding 1G. Clara, his wife,  Miss A. E. Borden Hettic, their daughter,  Miss Mary Cooper Henry, their son,  E. W. Hammond, uC.

"Alaric Jourdan's House."


"Alaric Jourdan's House," a tragedy in one act, by R. M. Townsend 1G., will have the following cast: Alaric Jourdan, a fur trader,  W. C. Woodward '12 Amelie, his wife,  Miss Mariam Gragg Jim Clay, employed by the North Coast Supply Company,  W. A. Searle 1G.

Cast of "Kid"

"Kid," a "sentimental episode" in one act, by Miss E. C. Ehrlich, Radcliffe Sp., will have a cast as follows:

Sam, an enlisted man,  J. K. Hodges '14Joe, also in the navy,  R. D. Whittemore '13Jake, a newsboy,  A. Jaretzki, Jr., '13A girl,  Miss Charlotte Adams
