

Now on Sale at Co-operative Branch.--Make-up of Harvard Teams.

Tickets for the Harvard-Princeton debate, which will be held in Sanders Theatre tomorrow evening, may be secured at the Co-operative Branch. Each member of the University is entitled to one free ticket. Additional tickets may be had for 25 cents each.

The debates this year are of unusual interest because the Harvard teams are composed wholly of undergraduates.

The teams are made up as follows:

Affirmative team, to meet Yale at New Haven (arranged in order of speaking).--James Augustine Donovan '13, of Lawrence; Adolph Augustus Berle, Jr., '13, of Cambridge; Maurice Suravitz '13, of Scranton, Pa.; alternate, Thomas Justin Moore 2L., of Midlothian, Tex. The order of speaking in rebuttal will be Berle, Donovan, Suravitz.

Negative team, to meet Princeton in Cambridge, (arranged in order of speaking).--Clarence Belden Randall '12, of Cambridge; Louis Aloysius Mahoney '13, of Lawrence; Isadore Levin '14, of Detroit, Mich.; alternates, George Knowles Gardner 1L., of Worcester, and Frederick Francis Greenman '14, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The rebuttal order will be the same.


The subject chosen for this year is, "Resolved, That the United States should accept the principle of monopoly control of industry, and regulate prices in all cases where the monopoly control of industry, and regulate prices in all cases where the monopoly has been brought about by the operation of economic laws.
