

Good Record Made Since Sport Was Revived at Harvard. -- Excellent Prospects for Next Year.

In 1909, swimming was abolished by the Athletic Committee as a minor sport at Harvard owing to the lack of interest among the students and the lack of adequate facilities. So matters stood until the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank was built, largely through the contributions of Harvard men. This tank suggested a revival of the sport, because of its size and easy accessibility and because the privileges of the tank were extended to all members of the Phillips Brooks House Association.

On January 14, a meeting of all those interested in swimming was held, at which about eighty candidates for the team reported. Arrangements were made with the Y. M. C. A. management for the exclusive use of the tank for one hour on three afternoons a week, and the tanks in Westmorly and Dunster were secured also for use in practice. Inasmuch as the season was already far advanced, the first two weeks were devoted to a process of elimination and the squad was reduced to a size that could be handled. Only 25 men were retained, and many men were cut who would undoubtedly have developed into first class material in a longer season.

A series of practice meets was held with the Waltham Swimming Club, Andover Academy, and the Brookline Gymnasium Swimming Team. The Freshmen held a meet with the Brookline High School, and additional relay races were held with the Waltham relay team. In comparison with other colleges, only a few meets were held, and of these the team won all save that with Andover. The times made in these meets proved conclusively that the material was above the average.

Prospects for Next Year.

The prospects for a strong team next year are extremely bright as none are lost by graduation. At the end of the past season, J. G. MacDonough '13 was elected captain and J. L. Handy '14 manager for next year. It is planned to begin practice early in December and to continue the season until the middle of March.
