

Class Musical Clubs Will Furnish Entertainment.--Tickets Now on Sale.

The Freshman class will hold its annual dinner in the Living Room of the Union tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. The class musical clubs will furnish entertainment and there will be a number of speakers. The dinner will be strictly informal, and no one is expected to wear evening dress. Tickets are on sale at the Rendezvous, or may be purchased from any of the following men: F. J. Bradlee, Jr., F. W. Capper, H. Francke, M. J. Logan, T. K. Richards, J. C. Talbot, R. Tower, A. J. Weatherhead, Jr.

Special Arrangements for Meals in Union.

On account of the dinner, the main Dining Room of the Union will be closed after lunch. A la carte service will be discontinued for the remainder of the day, but the regular table-d'hote dinner will be served to transients in the Ladies' Cafe and the Committee Room.
