

Preferential System to be Used.--Rules for Voters and Watchers at Polls Announced.

A presidential preference straw vote will be held in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate and in Austin Hall between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. today, and the results will be announced in tomorrow's CRIMSON. The following candidates will be balloted upon: C. Clark, A. B. Cummins, E. V. Debs, C. Harmon, R. M. La Follette, T. Roosevelt '80, W. H. Taft, O. W. Underwood and W. Wilson.

Regulations for Voters.

The system of preferential voting to be used is as follow: the ballot is divided into four columns, the first column containing the list of candidates alphabetically arranged; in the second column the voter will indicate his first choice by marking a cross (X) after the name of the candidate he favors most; in the third he will indicate his second preference in a similar manner; in the fourth he will mark a cross (X) after every other candidate whom he is willing to support. Votes cast for fictitious and impossible candidates will not be counted.

The watchers at the polls have been assigned the following duties: Men after whose names the letter (A) appears, will hand out the ballots and give the name of the voter to the checker; (B), will check off the voter's name from the list of members of the University; (C), will drop the ballot in the box.

Watchers at the Polls.


9.10.--J. F. Stambaugh '13, (A); H. B. Gill '13, (B); F. E. Richter '13, (C). 10-'11, H. G. Smith '13, (A); C. B. Randall '12, (B); S. B. Warner '12, (C). 11-12.--G. C. Henderson '12, (A); A. C. McGiffert '13, (B); J. D. Adams '13, (C) 12-1.--R. C. Benchley '12, (A); M. Suravitz '13, (B); C. E. Hansen '12, (C). 1-2.--L. C. Torrey '12, (A); S. M. Seymour '13, (B); A. F. Sortwell '14, (C), 2-3.--H. W. Miller '12, (A); R. W. Bennott '12, (B); L. A. Mahoney '12, (C).

Austin Hall Watchers.

9-10.--J. w. Eckelberry 2L., (A); L. Powers 1L., (B); F. E. Stiles 3L., (C). 10-11.--N. Armour 2L., (A); H. W. Elliott 3L., (B); O. Sletten uC., (C). 11-12.--M. C. Lightner 2L., (A); R. T. O'Neal 2L., (B). 12-1.--B. W. Stewart 3L., (A); J. Gilman 2L., (B). 1-2.--M. Darnes 2L., (A); P. F. Sapp 3L., (B). 2-3.--M. F. Appel 2L., (A); W. M. Conroy 3L., (B)
