8.45.--**Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by Rev. A. Herbert Gray.
4.30.--Seminary in Economics. "The Influences of Monarchs on Economic and Political History." Lecture by Dr. F. A. Woods in Upper Dane.
5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. "The Intensity of Magnetization in Iron under Strong Excitation," by Professor B. O. Pierce in Room 25 of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory.
7.00.--*Illustrated lecture. "China in Wartime," by Rev. Dudley Tyng, in Brooks House.
7.45.--Freshman Bible Class meets at 29 Follen street.
8.00.--Modern Language Conference. "The Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, Erasmus' Colloquia, and Hutten's Dialogi," by Professor Francke, in the Common Room of Conant Hall.
8.00.--**Lecture. "The School of Athens--Plate and Isocrates," by Professor Shorey, in Emerson D.
8.15.--*Undergraduates' performance of "Below Zero," by Hasty Pudding Club, at clubhouse.
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