
Presidential Preference Straw Vote

Tomorrow a presidential preference straw vote will be held in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate and in Austin Hall between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. The system of preferential voting to be used is as follows; the ballot is divided into four columns, the ballot is divided into four columns, the first column containing the list of candidates alphabetically arranged; in the second column the voter will indicate his first choice by marking a cross (X) after the name of the candidate he favors most; in the third he will indicate his second preference in a similar manner; in the fourth he will mark a cross (X) after every other candidate whom he is willing to support. At the bottom of the ballot the voter will find blank spaces in which to write the name of any candidate which does not already appear on the ballot. If a voter indicates more than one choice for the same candidate, only the first preference will be counted.

Times and Places for Voting.

The voting places will be open for six full hours. All officers and members of the University except those connected with the Law School will vote in the Lodge. All Law School men will vote in Austin Hall. The names and times of the watchers at the polls and full instructions will be published in the CRIMSON tomorrow.


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