
Subway Trains Are Running

rives on a lower level unloading platform for Boston and passes through the lower story of the two-story passageway which connects the Mt. Auburn street surface line with the subway trains.

Transfer Arrangements.

Passengers arriving at this station on surface cars which enter the station may transfer to subway trains without checks or payment of additional fare to continue their journey toward Boston, and returning may in like manner transfer to surface cars. No transfer checks will be needed at Park street.

Passengers arriving at Harvard square station on inward-bound cars may receive from the collector, upon request, as they pass out to the street, green checks for transfer to inward-bound cars taken upon the surface.

Conductors of outward-bound cars reaching Harvard square from Boston, Central, or Kendall square, will issue to passengers, upon request, at the time of payment of fare, checks for admission to Harvard square station for a ride on any outward-bound car, provided that such checks shall not be issued to persons paying fare with transfer checks issued from Scollay square, or Adams, square station, or from any station of the Cambridge subway. "Outward" and "inward-bound" are here used with reference to Boston. Some convenient arrangement for the continuation of certain trips on the surface after covering part of the distance in the subway is made at all stations.


Surface Routes to Be Maintained.

The surface routes will be maintained but the schedules will be shortened and the transfer system will be almost completely reorganized.
