A large and interested audience greeted Mr. Kendrie and Mr. Schmied in their recital last evening in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum. Hearty appreciation was expressed after each number.
Mr. Kendrie began the program with deBeriot's brilliant Concerto No. 7. He received especial recognition for his rythmic playing of Dvorak's "Humoresque." The best technical facility and effective coloring was shown in Wieniawski's "Obertass."
Mr. Schmeid began the second group with Macdowell's pianistic revision of a Sarabande of Rameau and contrasted with this Schumann's "Des Abends." His poetic interpretation of Macdowell's Prelude won for him most enthusiastic applause. Unusual interest was manifested in Mr. Schmied's own compositions. Though very simple in form they showed interesting harmonic development and rhythmic variety. "Jardins sous la pluie" was the favorite of the Debussy numbers.
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