
What is Going on Today

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.45.-**Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by Professor George Herbert Palmer '64.

4.00.-**Soccer game with Fore River Ship Building Company.

7.00.-*St. Paul's Society weekly meeting in Noble Room at Brooks House. Address by Rev. W. G. Thayer, D.D., of St. Mark's School, on "St. Paul's Society and the Church Schools."

7.00-8.00.-Freshman Mandolin Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.-*Lecture, "Aristophanes," by Professor Shorey, in Room D, Emerson Hall.


8.00.-Northfield social meeting in Dunster 21.

8.00.-Swimming meet with Brookline High School in the Y. M. C. A. tank.

8.15.-**Ninth Historic Operatic Concert in Sanders Theatre.

8.15.-Musical Clubs Concert at Central Club, Somerville.

9.00.-Reading by Professor Copeland in Dining Room of Union.
