

Today is the seventieth anniversary of the birth of Professor Palmer. On such an occasion the men who have worked at his side for a large part of his forty-two years of brilliant and untiring devotion to Harvard's ideals are the men best qualified to speak. It is, therefore, with a feeling of true delight that we are able to print this morning several appreciations from the men who have been most intimately connected with a life full of noble action and high thought.

Those who have known Proessor Palmer but distantly and during only one College generation have missed, often unconsciously, a contact with one of the few really great teachers Harvard has had the good fortune to number within its Faculty. Graduates and others who have known him intimately remember him as an inspiring teacher and as a steadfast friend. His breadth of mind, but especially his unbounded sympathy for the sometimes petty, sometimes momentous, troubles of undergraduate life, have endeared him to our fathers and older brothers for ten College generations. How many of us will be able, at three score years and ten, to produce a record so fraught with true human achievement? Professor Palmer's life is an example of quiet, sane, effectiveness. May he live long to teach that life at a time when the tendency is too often toward noise, hurry, and mediocrity.
