

So far this year our readers have been singularly free from the frantic appeal of Senior class Secretary and Photograph Committee. In the past our columns have been overwhelmed about this time of year with startling statements as to tardiness in having pictures taken and in sending in "Lives". Therefore, we are led to believe that 1912 takes an interest in attending to its class duties.

We are informed that this year the Photograph Committee intends to have the Class Album on sale not later than June 1; whereas in former years Class Day, of all days the least suitable for considering the purchase of an Album, was the approximate date of its appearance. We heartily approve of the new plan, and venture to say that it will result in a far larger sale. However, in order to carry out this admirable scheme, the Committee must have all the pictures before the Easter vacation. Out of 542 resident members of the class there are still about 120 men who have made no move whatever toward helping the Committee by making an appointment with the photographer.

This year a large majority seem anxious that the Album be a success. Let not a small group of negligents entirely counteract the conscientiousness of the many be refusing an half-hour's time to have their pictures taken.
