

We are announcing in another column of this morning's issue an illustrated lecture by Professor A. Lawrence Rotch, of the department of Geology, to be given in the Living Room of the Union tomorrow evening. We wish to call the attention of Union members to this lecture for two reasons. First, there has been lately an increasing demand on the part of undergraduates for more public lectures by members of the Harvard Faculty, and the CRIMSON has frequently urged that more lectures be given in the Union by such men. In the second place, the attendance at some of the lectures recently given in the Union has been very poor, and we believe that the members of the Union are not realizing as they should the opportunities presented by these lectures. At the last Union lecture (an exceptional address delevered by an exceptional man) barely half a hundred men were in attendance. Such a record speaks for itself. Professor Rotch's contributions to science, his long connection with the University, and the interesting subject of his lecture. "The Route of the Air", should gain for him the tribute of a wellfilled house. The lecture tomorrow night is an opportunity and an opportunity that Harvard undergraduates can ill afford to miss.
