

Howe and McDevitt Believe the New Football Rules Helpful.

A discussion of the merits of the new football rules by two Yale coaches has been sent to the Boston "Transcript". Both favor the changes.

Arthur Howe, former captain of the Yale football team, and E. McDevitt, the Yale guard, probable coaches for next season, are both in favor of the changes in the football rules. Former Captain Howe said today:

"The new rules are aimed at a more even balance between the offence and defence. From all appearances this will be accomplished. The forward pass across the goal-line may not produce so many spirited stands at the goal-line, but on the other hand will permit more scoring. I do not think the extra down will cause more mass play, but instead will give the field general a greater opportunity to try his offence and will give a much better chance for scientific advance to the goal line. It is certainly better to have a touchdown count six points, because I do not think two goals from the field should ever have beaten a touchdown when the goal after the touchdown was not kicked."

McDevitt said: "I believe football under the new rules will be a much better and more interesting game. The present great advantage of the defence will be lessened materially and the defence strengthened to such a degree that we will have a balanced game, giving the superiority to the team better equipped in knowledge of the game and ability to use that knowledge. These changes in the rules will make a tremendous change in the game. The offence team now has power and opportunity. The forward pass will prove a great factor, since it will now be available at any part of the field, and will give the defence a great deal of bother. Four downs is another added advantage to the offence. The problem of defence now assumes a greater position in the game. I believe the better teams will win under the new rules."
