

Forwards Show Increased Speed and Team-Play in Practice with Second.

The Freshman hockey team held a hard 50-minute scrimmage with the second Freshmen in the Stadium yesterday afternoon, in which the men showed great improvement over their work against Milton on Saturday. With Tapping again in the line-up, the forwards showed much more speed, and worked better together than for some time previously. The second team men also played well, holding the first down to a low score until toward the end of the scrimmage, when they seemed to tire. No attempt was made to keep record of the goals, the scrimmage being only to give the men practice.

The first team lined up as follows: l.e., Tapping; l.c., Taylor; r.c., deWindt; r.e., Winsor; c.p., Claflin, p., Handy; g., Wigglesworth.
