
Junior Class Notice

Allotment of Rooms In Matthews.

As the result of the allotment for rooms in the north entry of Matthews the following assignment of rooms has been made: A. M. Vanderpoel, 9, 11 and 12; Hopefuls, 3 and 5; Beal, 13; Oedipus and Nicias, 25; Mumms, 29; John Smith II, 16; John Smith, 1; Quintus, 7; Black Cats, 6; Nicodemus, 17; H2S, 18; Pollywog, 15; Aristotle, 10.

Men in all groups should meet at once and decide among themselves for which rooms each man is to be responsible and the manager of each group should know which room is to be assigned to each man. The committee will arrange, in the near future, for men to sign Bursar's cards for their respective rooms. 1913 DORMITORY COMMITTEE.
