

Sixth in Series to be Held in Sanders Tonight.--The Program.

The sixth in the series of historic operatic concerts under the auspices of the Boston Opera Company and the Department of Music will be given in Sanders Theatre this evening at 8.15 o'clock. Single tickets for this concert are on sale at the Co-operative Society main store at fifty cents each.

The program tonight will be as follows:

Heinrich Marschner (1795-1861)

Aria, "An jenem Tag," from "Hans Heiling."

Mr. Kaplick.


Aria, "Wie ein schoner Fruhlingsmorgen," from "Der Vampyr."

Mr. Diaz.

Albert Lortzing (1803-1851)

Aria, "Auch ich war ein Jungling," from "Der Waffenschmied."

Mr. White.

Otto Nicolai (1810-1849)

From "Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor"--

(a) Lied, "Als Bublein klein."

Mr. White.

(b) Recitative and Aria, "Wohl denn! gefasst ist der Entschluss."
