

Second Dual Contest of the Season Will Be Held This Afternoon.

The swimming team will meet Phillips Andover Academy at Andover this afternoon in its second meet. The work this season is mainly to ascertain the College interest in the revival of swimming and to put the sport on a firm basis. Candidates were first called out at a meeting on January 16, which was attended by about 75 men. Within two weeks, 90 men had reported and the squad was then cut down to 30. On February 5, the team defeated the Waltham Swimming Club by a score of 33 to 26 in its first meet. On February 16, the Sophomores defeated the Freshmen in an interclass meet, which was held in the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank.

Until checked by illness the squad was developing fast and promised a strong relay team. H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., '14 has been doing excellent work, having covered the 50 yards in 26 1-5 seconds, and the 220 yards in 2 minutes, 45 2-5 seconds.

Owing to the illness of Lawson, Macdonough and Claflin, the team will enter the meet today somewhat weakened. It will be made up as follows:

50-yard dash.--H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., '14, J. Wentworth '14.

100-yard dash.--D. Sigourney '15, E. R. Starbuck '14.


220-yard dash.--H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., '14, C. F. Brooks '12.

Plunge.--N. Curtis, Jr., '14, W. J. Ball '13.

Diving.--G. Bettle '14, S. Steinberg '13.

First relay team.--H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., '14, M. J. Logan '15, D. Sigourney '15, E. R. Starbuck '14.

Second relay team.--W. J. Ball '13, K. C. Parker '15, R. S. Tarr '15, F. B. Withington '15.
