

Will be Issued by Council in Boston Affiliated With University.

A Social Research Council of Boston has recently been organized, in affiliation with the Department of Social Ethics at Harvard. This is one of the most important steps taken for many years in the way of expanding Harvard's influence to the social work of the world at large. The council intends to systematize and simplify social service researches by publishing a bulletin, giving an account of the council's current activities and of the material collected, to which other societies may refer, thus avoiding the duplication of work which is now such an impediment to progress. President Lowell has welcomed the plan very heartily, and Harvard has given a room in Emerson Hall to be used as an office. The officers of the council are: president, Dean Edwin F. Gay, of the Graduate School of Business Administration; director, Robert F. Foerster H.'06, instructor in ethics; chairman of the executive committee, Miss Mary M. Kehew, of the Woman's Educational and Industrial Union; secretary-treasurer, Susan M. Kingsbury, of Simmons College. Other members are Professor W. B. Munro h.'99, and Professor F. G. Peabody '69.
