

Six Veterans in University Boat.--Heavy Freshman Squad at Work.

As a result of an effort to obtain all available material for the University crew, 48 men responded to a general call for candidates this year. Work was begun at once on the machines, though the squad was not divided into regular eights. This week, however, six crews have been formed, and rowing in the tank begun, preceded by a short session at the machines. This system of work will be maintained until the ice in the river breaks up.

In the University eight, there are six members of last year's victorious crew, R. W. Cutler '11 and L. Withington, Jr., '11 being lost by graduation. Chanler, who stroked the Freshman crew last year until put on probation, is at stroke, Newton having been shifted to the starboard side at 7. Captain Strong is in his old seat at 6, and Metcalf is at 5 to take Withington's place, Reynolds moving to 3, left vacant by Metcalf. Goodale, Stratton and Balch, at 4, 2 and bow, respectively, are rowing in the same places as last year.

Though the University crew is somewhat lighter than last year, it should develop into a fast eight.

1915 Men Undeveloped as Yet.

Eighty-eight men responded to the call for Freshman candidates. This squad was divided into eleven crews, and work was commenced in the tank this week. The material seems large and powerful, but nothing can be told until they get one the water.


The orders of the University crews are as follows:

First crew--Stroke, Chanler; 7, Newton; 6, Strong; 5, Metcalf; 4, Goodale; 3, Reynolds; 2, Stratton; bow, Balch.

Second crew--Stroke, Eager; 7, L. Curtis; 6, Taylor; 5, Mills; 4, Trumbull; 3, Nelson; 2, Parker; bow, Carver.

Third crew--Stroke, Sargent; 7, Converse; 6, Morgan; 5, Rogers; 4, Cutler; 3, Walker; 2, Crombie; bow, Saltonstall.

The order of the Freshman crew is as follows:

Crew A--Stroke, Lothrop; 7, Parkman; 6, Harwood; 5, Trumbull; 4, MacVicar; 3, Murray; 2, Francke; bow, Bradlee.
