
Senior Class Notices

Senior Class Buttons Now on Sale.

The Senior Class buttons at 25 cents each may now be obtained at Leavitt & Peirce's or from anyone of the following: J. Elliott, J. P. Kennedy, E. L. McKinney, or J. R. Sibley. The button is hexagonal in shape, with a background of green, and green letters on an inner white hexagon. In order that the purpose of the plan of having class buttons may be accomplished, every member of the class should obtain one at once. 1912 BUTTON COMMITTEE.

Class Lives Slow In Coming In.

There has been a great reduction recently in the number of class lives which the committee has received. Every Senior who has not already sent his life to the committee should do so at once. This matter should not be allowed to slide, as it will cause the committee much inconvenience to hunt up the late ones in order that the book may be complete. More blanks may be obtained at Tupper's or at Holworthy 7.   1912 PHOTOGRAPHY COMMITTEE.
