

Ungentlemanly Conduct Barred From Inter-Paper Relay Race.

The track management has arranged an inter-paper relay race as the last event of the Winter Carnival, which will be held on the board track on Holmes Field next Friday afternoon. The teams will consist of four men, who will run two laps each, and an additional sprinter, who will make the final spurt for the tape. There are no regulations other than that only bona fide editors may compete, and that the Monthly's team must not cut corners nor the Lampoon men lag behind and then claim the race. The struggle for the pole promises to be exceedingly keen, but no ungentlemanly conduct will be tolerated. In order, however, that the final grand procession may not be too bitter, a special finishing lap has been arranged, which will add materially to the success of the afternoon.

Not content with her annual drubbing of the Lampoon in baseball, and hockey, the Crimson has decided to establish her supremacy over all aspirants for journalistic honors. She, however, graciously reminds her would-be rivals that only three days remain in which they may round their men into shape. It might be added that the CRIMSON'S, quartet is speedy and in top-notch condition, from which it behooves her less-favored contemporaries to report at the track this afternoon for special instructions in the rudiments of the sport.
