Trials for the interclass relay teams were held on the board track north of Langdell Hall yesterday afternoon and good time was made by several men. The number of trials in the four classes was as follows; Seniors, 8; Juniors, 15; Sophomores, 16; Freshmen, 14. Trials for any new candidates will be held again this afternoon between 2.30 and 5 o'clock. More men from all the classes are urged to report. The class captains will choose the teams after this afternoon's trials, and the names of the men chosen, together with the entries in all other events of the winter carnival will be announced later.
The preliminaries of the interclass relay races and of the other track events will be held on the board track tomorrow beginning at 3.30 o'clock, in the following order: open 40-yard dash, scratch; novice 3-lap run, scratch; novice 6-lap run, scratch; open 7-lap run, scratch; novice 12-lap run, scratch; open 45-yard low-hurdles, handicap; interclass relay races. The finals of these events will be held Friday at 3.30 o'clock.
The field events, which are, open running high jump, handicap, and open 16-pound shot-put, handicap, will be held in the Gymnasium on Friday at times to be announced later.
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