


With the exception of the opening minutes of play Saturday night's hockey game against Yale lacked the excitement that was predicted beforehand. Harvard's 4 to 0 victory was, of course, cause for rejoicing, but the tense moments and hard hockey of the Princeton and McGill games were entirely absent. Captain Harman and Gore were the mainstays of the Yale attack, but their assaults on the Crimson goal netted nothing.

The snap and dash with which the University players started the game gave great promise and inside of nine minutes three goals had been scored. After this, however, there was a very noticeable slackening of speed, and the forwards had a tendency to rove all over the rink and get out of line. Huntington's injury interfered much with his playing and his brilliant following back was not nearly so much in evidence as in previous games. Duncan and Sortwell were the bright spots on the Harvard offence, the latter scoring three of the goals, the former getting the other one.

The game was remarkable in that no one was put off the ice for rough play. At all times the hockey was hard and once in the first half there was some severe body-checking by both sides.

University Defence Impenetrable.

The University defence continued its usual high standard of play and only once early in the second half, did it seem likely that Yale would be able to penetrate it. At the opening of this period the New Haven men came back with a determination to score and started a furious onslaught at the Crimson Cage. For a few minutes there was lively scrimmaging around the Harvard goal, to be ended finally by one of Blackall's rushes down the rink.


The only substitutions were made in the last few minutes when S. B. Smart and P. K. Houston, both Seniors, replaced Gardner and Willetts at goal and point, respectively.

The summary: HARVARD.  YALE. Sortwell, l.e.  r.e., Chauncey Duncan, l.c.  r.c., Cox Huntington, r.c.  l.c., Harman Pierce, r.e.  l.e., Kimball Blackall, c.p.  c.p., Martin Willetts, Houston, p.  p., Gore Gardner, Smart, g.  g., Carhart

Score--Harvard, 4: Yale, 0. Goals--Sortwell 3, Duncan. Referee--W. C. Russell, N. Y. A. C. Umpire--E. Garon, Wanderers, N. Y. Goal Umpires--G. W. Canterbury, B. A. A. and J. M. Tilney, Yale. Timers--S. T. Hicks, B. A. A. and A. Harriman, Yale. Time--Two 20-minute halves.
