Sunday, February 18.
**MORNING SERVICE. Rt. Rev. Henry Douglas Robinson, Bishop of Nevada. Appleton Chapel, 11 A. M. Students of the University enter at the south side-door. Students accompanied by friends enter at the south side-door. Officers of the University and their families enter at the north side-door. No seats except in the galleries will be open to the public.
**TENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF NEW ENGLAND STUDENT CHURCHMEN. "Church Unity." Rev. Newman Smyth, D.D., and Rev. H. E. W. Fosbroke, D.D. Phillips Brooks House, 3 P. M.
**MEDICAL SCHOOL LECTURE. "The Human Face." Dr. Charles S. Minot, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 4 P. M.
Monday, February 19.
FACULTY OF DIVINITY. Meeting at the Faculty Room, Divinity Library, 4 P. M.
*PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. "Crystal Formation in the Presence of Gelatine." Professor H. W. Morse. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25, 5 P. M.
SPECIAL SERVICE FOR MEMBERS OF THE FRESHMAN CLASS. Addresses by President Lowell, Professor Bliss Perry, and Professor Edward C. Moore. Appleton Chapel, 7 P. M.
CHAMBER CONCERT. The Flonzaley Quartet. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8 P. M. Program: Mozart, Quartet in D minor (Koch, 421); W. Friedemann Bach, "Sonata a tre" for two Violins and Violoncello; Beethoven, Quartet in F minor, No. 11, op. 95.
Tuesday, February 20.
FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Meeting at University 5, 4 P. M.
*BOSTON SOCIETY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES. Amphitheatre of Building D, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 8.15 P. M. Open to members of the University and of the medical profession.
Wednesday, February 21.
HISTORIC OPERATIC CONCERTS. V. Mr. E. B. Hill, Lecturer; Mile. Madeline d'Olige, Mme. Florence de Courcy, Mr. Fernand de Potter, Mr. Jean Riddez, Mr. Gaston Barreau, Soloists. Sanders Theatre, 8.15 P. M. Admission tickets to this concert, at fifty cents each, will be on sale at the Co-operative Main Store, Harvard square, on Monday, February 19.
Thursday, February 22.
WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. A Holiday in all Departments of the University.
Friday, February 23.
*UNIVERSITY TEA. Phillips Brooks House, 4 to 6 P. M. This will be the last University Tea for 1911-12. All members of the University are cordially invited.
*HARVARD PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB. "The Spirit of Hegel's Philosophy." Dr. Loewenberg. Emerson F, 8 P. M.
*FORESTRY CLUB. "The Forests of China." (Illustrated Lecture.) Mr. E. H. Wilson, of the Arnold Arboretum. Pierce 110, 8 P. M.
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