

(The Daily Princetonian)

Now that the hockey championship is safely in the hands of the University hockey team, a review of the season and a survey of the prospects for next year are of unusual interest.

Four of the team will be lost by graduation in June,--Captain A. G. Kay, J. P. McKinney, E. D. Kalbfleisch, and L. D. Blair. Kay and McKinney were important factors of the attack and both are very speedy skaters. They played on the 1910 championship team and it will be hard to find two men who will work so well together in the forward line. Kalbfleisch developed into one of the best goal tenders of the season. He was both clever in stopping shots and quick in clearing the puck. Blair played efficiently in breaking up the attack.

Captain H. A. H. Baker, W. S. Kuhn and T. K. Emmons will form the nucleus for next year's team. The fact that they are all members of the Sophomore class speaks well for sevens of the next two years. Baker is generally conceded to be the best player in the Intercollegiate League and ranks high among the best in the country. He, together with Kuhn, make the fastest pair of college hockey players seen on the ice this year. Emmons puts up a good game on the defense and can always be counted upon to shatter an attack. R. C. Lee 1913, R. W. Patterson 1913 and E. B. Kilner 1914 were substitutes this season and will undoubtedly find a place on the team next year. From the Freshman seven, R. B. Cowan and R. B. Peacock are the only players who appear to be of 'Varsity calibre this year. Both are fast skaters, handle the puck well, and should make strong bids for positions on the team. With such a strong nucleus and so many promising candidates the outlook for the 1913 seven is of the brightest sort.
