The Tenth Annual Conference of the New England Student Churchmen will continue today and tomorrow in Phillips Brooks House. All professors and students who are members of the Episcopal Church are cordially invited to attend. Rev. Newman Smyth, D.D., one of the most prominent leaders of the movement of Church Unity, has consented to address the Conference. As an author Rev. Dr. Smyth is widely known. Prominent among his books are the "International Theological Series," and the more recent "Passing of Protestantism."
The program is as follows:
Today: 8.45 A. M.--Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, D.D., Bishop of Western Massachusetts in Appleton Chapel; 9.15 A. M.--Conference at Brooks House. Speakers: P. G. M. Austin '13; L. S. Foote, Bowdoin '12; E. W. Anderson, Dartmouth '12; 1.00--Luncheon; 2.30--Conference. I--Bible Study, opened by C. P. Franchot 1L.; II--The Call of the Church for Laymen, opened by H. Whitmore '95; 6.00--Dinner and smoker at the Union. Speakers: Rev. W. E. Gardner, Secretary New England Missionary Department; 8.30--Brooks House; Service in preparation for the Holy Communion, conducted by Bishop Robinson.
Tomorrow: 8.00 A. M.--Corporate Communion in Christ Church; 9.00 A. M.--Breakfast at the Union; 10.45 A. M. Rt. Rev. Henry D. Robinson, D.D., Bishop of Nevada, in Appleton Chapel; 1.00--Dinner and smoker in the Union. Speaker: C. P. Deems, Princeton '07; 3.00-- Public meeting at Brooks House. Speakers: Rev. Newman Smyth, D. D., Rev. H. E. W. Fosbroke D. D.
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