
Mission Classes at Brooks House

The mission study committee of Phillips Brooks House has arranged mission study classes for Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores this year. There is no special course planned for Freshmen aside from the informal Monday evenings at Dr. Fitch's home, 29 Follen street.

The course for Seniors which is about China, meets in the Sheppard Room of Phillips Brooks House on Monday evenings from February 19 to April 8 at 7 o'clock.

The leaders are Mr. Y. S. Trao 1G. and Mr. C. A. Reed of Andover. The course will not follow a text-book; but will try to get the vital facts of the enormous changes now taking place in China.

The course for Juniors, which is about India, meets for one hour in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House on Monday evenings, from February 19 to April 8, inclusive. This class will be under the expert leadership of Dr. W. L. Ferguson, who has been in active work among the students of Madras, India.

The course for Sophomores, which is on South America, meets in the Small Assembly Room on the third floor of Phillips Brooks House on Monday evenings, from February 19 to April 8 at 7 o'clock. This group will study "The Republics of South America," a new book by Dr. Robert E. Speer. Mr. A. McL. Nicholson, 2G.S., will lead this group. Mr. Nicholson has lived for twelve years in various parts of South America. This is an excellent opportunity for the several students who are planning to go to South America in various capacities after graduation.
