Two competitions for positions on the CRIMSON board will start this evening to end about May 20. The competitions, as described at length in yesterday's issue, will be open to Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen; and therein all will find an opportunity to put to practical trial their journalistic abilities extending from reading proof to writing editorials. We can do no more than urge every man who is eligible in either competition at least to come to the meeting of candidates in the CRIMSON Office this evening at 7 o'clock and hear explained in detail the work which will be required. By coming one can settle any doubt as to the advisability of entering the competition.
Members of the two lower classes may enroll in the news competition, in which familiarity with some phase of College activity, though valuable, is of secondary importance to a good determination and a willingness to search for news. Perhaps one of the most useful and sure results of this competition is the insight into College affairs which it gives, and the broad acquaintance to which it inevitably leads. It appeals, of course, to men who can afford considerable time in outside work.
For those who do not feel inclined to give so much time, but who have literary ability and, above all, straight-forward, common-sense ideas, suggestions and encouragements for the various University interests, we devised last year the editorial competition. This spring it will be open to Juniors and Sophomores, each of whom will be called upon for two well-written editorials each week. By the latter test it is our wish to secure for the paper men who can best express in the editorial column the public opinion of the student body as it should be concentrated and expressed by a university paper.
The two competitions furnish a field in which almost any man interested in journalism can find a place.
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