

Schedules of Musical Clubs and Plerian Sodality as Announced by Managements.

The Musical Clubs will give their first concert of the second half-year in City Hall, Melrose, this evening at 8 o'clock. The remaining concerts are as follows:

February 20.--Lynn.

February 29.--Boston Art Club.

March 7.--Lincoln.

March 9.--Colonial Club.


April 13.--New York Harvard Club.

Besides the above schedule the clubs will play at the following places after the Easter recess, the dates not having been settled as yet: Wellesley, Watertown, Worcester, Netwon, Maynard, Malden, Deham. There will also be a dual concert with Cornell probably at the time of the crew races.

The spring schedule of the Pierian Sodality has been nearly completed. The Pierian will give its first concert of the second half-year on Washington's Birthday at Smith College in Northampton, where it will play at the Academy of Music. The last of the pop-concerts in the Union will be given on March 11. The annual Pierian concert of classical music will be given in Jordan Hall, Boston, on April 10. It is probable that concerts will be arranged on April 13 at Springfield; and in the Hotel Astor, New York, on April 14.
