The committee, under whose auspices lectures on the "Progressive Movement" have been given by prominent men, to members of the University, from time to time during last year and this, has made definite arrangements for four speakers to come to Harvard. Hon. V. L. Berger, Congressman from Wisconsin, the first Socialist elected to Congress, and editor of the Milwaukee Leader, will lecture on Monday, February 19. His subject will probably be "A Socialist Criticism of the Progressive Movement." Mr. W. A. White, editor of the Emporia Gazette, Kansas, and author of "The Old Order Changeth," "A Certain Rich Man," and other books on progressive politics, will speak on Friday, February 23, the subject to be announced later. R. P. Bass '96, Governor of New Hampshire, will speak on Monday, February 26, on "The Progressive Movement in New Hampshire, will speak on Monday, February 26, on "The Progressive Movement in New Hampshire," while W. Kent, Congressman from California, will speak sometime in March on "Leadership versus Book-Rule in a Democracy." Other lectures will be announced later.
In addition to these lectures under the auspices of the "Progressive Movement," Mayor G. R. Lunn, of Schenectady, N. Y., will speak on Monday, February 12, under the auspices of the Socialist Club.
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