

Men Chosen for 50-Yard, 100-Yard, and 220-Yard Events, and for Distance Plunge.

Satisfactory times were made in all the events at the trials for the University Swimming team held in the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank yesterday afternoon and the material gives promise for the development of a more than ordinary team. The events held yesterday were the 50-yard dash and the distance plunge. The results were as follows: In the 50-yard dash--H. R. Hitchcock '14, 27 seconds; O. R. Sigourney '15, 29 seconds; M. J. Logan '15, 29 4-5 seconds; E. A. Starbuck '14 and J. Wentworth '14, 30 seconds These men will compose the relay team which will meet the Waltham Swimming Club team next Monday evening.

In the 100-yard dash the best work was done by E. B. Starbuck '14, 1 minute, 8 3-5 seconds; and, in the 220-yard dash H. R. Hitchcock '14 was first with the time of 2 minutes, 45 3-5 seconds. W. J. Ball '13 and D. Lawson '13 both did 50 feet in the distance plunge and as both are inexperienced men great improvement is expected by them.

Trials for the water polo team and in diving will be held in the Westmorely tank this evening at 8 o'clock.
