

At Forum in Union Tomorrow Evening Under Auspices of Speakers' Club.--Discussion Will be Informal.

The Union and the Speakers' Club will conduct a Forum in the Dining Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock. A movement has been started in the University to obtain a new gymnasium, and this, as a matter of widespread interest, has been chosen as the subject for the debate. A resolution will be presented which will be discussed first by men particularly interested in the matter, then by any one present from the floor. At the end of the evening a vote will be taken to discover the decision of the Forum.

The Student Council has expressed a strong desire that the discussion be thorough, and it is certain that the decision reached will receive serious consideration. Thus the members of the Forum, by the expression of student sentiment which they yield, will take a direct part in solving one of the many important problems which will come before it.
