8.45.--**Morning prayers by Rev. E. H. Hughes in Appleton Chapel.
4.00.--*University Tea, in Brooks House.
4.30.--**Lecture (in German) on "Leading Ideas of the Present Time. XL Individualism and Socialism", by Professor Eucken, in Emerson D.
5.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Medicine at Medical School, Boston.
7.00.--Dinner for the football team at the Copley-Plaza.
7.00.--*Meeting of Christian Science Society, in Brooks House.
7.30-8.30.--Music by Kaurich's Orchestra in Living Room of Union.
8.00.--Meeting of Masonic Club, in Trophy Room of the Union.
8.00.--*Engineering Society. "Problems Encountered in a Private Water Supply in Massachusetts", by Mr. T. R. Kendall, in Common Room of Conant Hall.