The second University Forum will be held in the Dining Room of the Union Tuesday evening at 8.45 o'clock under the auspices of the Union and the Speakers' Club. The subject for discussion will be "A New Gymnasium."
Various aspects of the question, with the best methods of securing the desired building, will be first presented by several scheduled speakers in short four or five minute speeches. Debate will then be thrown open to the floor men being permitted to speak in the order in which they catch the eye of the presiding officer. Debate will be limited to three minutes for each man.
The discussion will be strictly informal, small tables being placed throughout the room at which men may smoke and refreshments may be served. Men participating in the debate should realize that decisions reached will have a direct influence on later authoritative action, as representing undergraduate opinion. To aid in crystalizing these decisions, a vote will be taken at the close of the debate, the result of which will later be acted upon by the Student Council. The Forum will be open only to members of the Speakers' Club and the Union.