Next Monday evening the University Musical Clubs will give a concert in Philadelphia, the first city to be visited in the course of the Southern trip which has been arranged for the Christmas recess, similar to the Western tour of last year. Such a trip by a representative organization does a great deal towards spreading the influence of Harvard in a section of the country where it is not so well known, and this year's trip is particularly significant, as it is the first time the Musical Clubs have ever gone South. There are undoubtedly some members of the Clubs who look upon this trip merely as an occasion for a rousing good time, free of all responsibility, but we would call their attention to the fact that they are on exhibition all the time, especially at the numerous social events that are planned in each city for their entertainment, and that their conduct is the basis upon which people unacquainted with Harvard build their impressions of its undergraduates.
The CRIMSON wishes the Musical Clubs the best of success and feels confident that they will even add to the splendid reputation that they established for themselves through the West last year.
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