

Pioneer in Direct Legislation Movement to Speak on This Subject.

Mr. W. S. U'Ren of Oregon will deliver an address on "Direct Legislation" in Emerson D this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. This is the first of a series of lectures on "Social Problems" which will be given this winter under the auspices of a committee composed of members of the Faculty.

Mr. U'Ren is the pioneer of direct legislation in this country, for he not only originated and carried through the measures now in force in Oregon, but has also been active in direct legislation campaigns in other states. He is considered one of the foremost leaders of the whole movement for government reform in this country.

Although most deeply interested in the cause of popular government, Mr. U'Ren does not by any means limit himself to furthering that cause alone. As an ardent disciple of Henry George, he has been very successful in establishing the single tax in parts of Oregon. He is also to a large extent responsible for the excellent corrupt practices act in that state and for the direct primary and proportional representation recently established there. At present Mr. U'Ren is a candidate for the governorship of Oregon.

The address will be open to members of the University only
