
What is Going on Today

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.45.--**Morning prayers by Dr. A. P. Fitch '00, in Appleton Chapel.

4.00.--*Handicap hurdle competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.

4.30.--*Handicap shot-put competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.

4.30.--Seminary of Economics. "The Chinese Clerk, Salesman. Mechanic, and Coolie," by President Eliot, in Upper Dane.

8.00.--**Christmas reading of Dickens's "Christmas Carol," by Professor I. L. Winter '86, in Sanders Theatre.


8.00.--*Lecture by Mr. G. M. Hall, of Edmonton, Alberta, on "The Canadian Northwest" in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.--**Deutscher Verein's production of "Zwed Wappen" in Brattle Hall.
