Discussion at the University Forum which met in the Union last night came freely from all parts of the floor and gave a clear expression of undergraduate opinion on the subject of a new Gymnasium. While the attendance came largely from the undergraduate body of the University, as could be expected from the nature of the subject under consideration, every man who spoke had strong and clear convictions on the question and appeared desirous of impressing them upon the remainder of the Forum. The discussion more closely resembled the meeting of an executive committee than that of a debating society.
The positive need of a new Gymnasium and the general inadequacy of the present structure were generally admitted. The importance to the various teams of having necessary facilities for winter practice was, also, amply testified to by those in responsible positions. Attention was further called to the advance in athletic supremacy at those institutions, particularly Dartmouth, where modern gymnasiums have been secured. It was the consensus of opinion that no structure should be undertaken unless of the most modern type and including facilities for all the minor sports.
Attention was called to the importance of having a building wherein those men who have at present neither the time, nor ability to try for the more important teams may secure the much needed exercise in a comparatively short time. In this respect, in particular, the idea of a new Gymnasium has a direct appeal to members of the Law and Graduate Schools.
As a preliminary step toward action in the matter a resolution was read and unanimously passed "instructing the Executive Committee of the Student Council to appoint a representative committee to consider ways and means of securing a new Gymnasium."
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