

Essays Due by April 1, 1913.--Subjects in Which Offered.

The Bowdoin prizes for dissertations in English, Greek, and Latin have been announced by Professor Bliss Perry, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Bowdoin Prizes of the Department of English, and by Professor C. P. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Bowdoin Prizes of the Department of Classics, as follows:

A first prize of $250 and two second prizes of $100 each are offered for essays in English written by undergraduates of Harvard College in regular standing in 1912-13. Either or both of the two second prizes may be divided, at the discretion of the committee, between two competitors. The first prize will not be divided.

Essays offered in competition for these prizes may be on any subject approved by the Chairman of the Committee as a proper subject for treatment in literary form. These that form part of the regular work in an elective course may be offered in competition with the consent of the instructor in the course, or, subject to such consent, may be re-written for the prize competition.

For Essays by Graduates.

For graduates three prizes of $200 each are offered annually for essays in English, of high literary merit belonging to a special field of learning. Any holder of an academic degree in Arts, Literature, Philosophy, or Science, who has been in residence since the beginning of the academic year in any of the graduate schools under the jurisdiction of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, or who has completed a year of residence in any of the above schools within a period beginning not more than two years before the Commencement Day of the year of competition, may compete for these prizes.


For the current year, a prize will be offered in each one of the groups numbered I, II, III. I. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering. II. Biology, Geology, and Anthropology. III. Ancient Languages and Literature. Not more than one prize is offered for essays belonging to a single group.

Competitors are at liberty to select the subjects of their essays; but subjects must be approved in advance by the Committee on Bowdoin Prizes. Essays already presented for other prizes, or for academic recognition elsewhere than in Harvard University, are not admissible.

Prizes in Greek and Latin.

For Greek and Latin dissertations a prize of $50 is offered for the best translation by an undergraduate into Attic Greek of the passage in Ruskin's "Lectures on Art", from the beginning of the Lecture on the Relation of Art to Morals through the words "by becoming what these men were." Also a prize of $50 for an undergraduate's translation into Latin of the passage in Frank Bolles' "North of Bear-Camp Water", from the chapter on "A Night alone on Chocorua", beginning on page 76 with the words "The moon slowly made way with the clouds", and going to the end.

For graduates a prize of $100 for an original essay in either Latin or Greek of not less than three thousand words on any subject chosen by the competitor, written by a holder of an academic degree who has been in residence in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for one full year within the period 1911-13.

Essays already presented for other prizes, or for academic recognition elsewhere than in Harvard University are not admissible. Dissertations offered for the degree of Ph.D. in Harvard University are admissible.

By a vote of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences all committees on prizes shall report not only the essays for which prizes have been awarded, but also those essays which seem to be worthy of distinction; and all essays reported shall be considered in the award of scholarships and the granting of degrees with distinction.

Essays Due April 1, 1913.

Essays and translations must be handed to the Secretary of the Faculty not later than April 1, 1913, and must conform to the requirements and general rules printed on pages 535-536, 546, 585-586 of the Catalogue for 1911-12
