
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."


Monday, November 11.

10.30.--President and Fellows of Harvard College. Meeting at 50 State street, Boston.

4.30.--**Southworth Lectures in Andover Theological Seminary. "Current Problems of Organized Religion. IV. The Problem of Polities", by Rev. Dr. H. Hensley Henson, Canon of Westminster Abbey, in Andover Chapel.


4.30.--Seminary of Economics. "The Course of Railroad Rates since 1900", by Professor Ripley, in Upper Dane.

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium, "Experiments on the Thermodynamic, Properties of Twelve Liquids at High Pressures", by Dr. Bridgman in Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.

7.00.--*Trials for Freshman and Sophomore class debating teams, in Trophy Room of the Union.

7.00.--Dr. Fitch's Freshman Bible class, in Brooks House Parlor.

7.00.--Dr. Francis's Junior Bible class, in Brooks House Office.

9.00.--Freshman smoker in the Living Room of Union.

Tuesday, November 12.

2.00.--Lecture by Detective W. J. Burns, in Living Room of Union.

4.00.--Meeting of Cambridge Associated Charities in Phillips Brooks House.

4.30.--Geological Conference. "Low Grade Siliceous Iron Ores of Lake Superior", by Professor H. L. Smyth in Mineralogical Lecture Room, University Museum.
